Flash 10.1 per Os X

I test per la versione 10.1 del plug-in di Flash iniziarono a novembre. Ora Adobe annuncia che il plug-in รจ pronto per il download per tutti gli utenti Mac. L’aggiornamento pesa 7,44 MB ed รจ gratis.

Purtroppo non contiene l’accelerazione hardware che usa la scheda grafica per aumentare la velocitร  di caricamento degli elementi in Flash. Adobe vuole testare ancora questa tecnologia, quindi non so quanta velocitร  e quanti vantaggi portino la nuova versione. La trovate nel sito dello sviluppatore.

[grazie Vincenzo per la segnalazione]

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  1. Ma l’aggiornamento bisogna farlo manualmente sul sito di Adobe oppure avviene automaticamente tramite aggiornamento software di Apple??

  2. Secondo l’utente openhammer del blog macrumors queste sono le migliorie di questa versione di Flash:

    Now to the Facts about Flash Player 10.1 for OS X.

    1. Hardware Acceleration.
    Is available, but for H.264. The whole player is not hardware accelerated but certain key parts are thanks in part to the use of the core animation API. Having said that, these performance improvements to the drawing core are only available to browsers that use cocoa ( Firefox users are out of luck )

    2. H.264
    Is not avaialble in this release but will be available later as the post suggest. This is INDEED due to the newly made API’s that Apple released for H.264 decoding in 10.6.3. “matticus008” is wrong! While having the ability to decode H.264 was a available as a high level API it was NOT available as a low level API which is what Adobe needed to integrate Apple’s hardware available into their own display stack ( this is not rocket science but just how software works )

    3. Performance
    Lot’s of under the hood enhancement make 10.1 play content faster.

    4. Security
    Addresses the last security issue and is the most secure version of Flash up to date. Both virtual machines ( AVM1 for AS1 and AS2 and AVM3 for AS3) have been tightened up for security (specially AVM1)

    5. Peer-2-Peer
    This release has built in support for fast peer to peer computing opening new avenues for things like video chat and broadcasting.

    6. Multi-touch support.
    This has been known for sometime that 10.1 supports multitouch on portable devices but it also supports it on the desktop. Windows 7 only for now, I’m sure when Apple adds touch support to OS X Adobe will make it available for the Flash Player. 10.1 for Android, Palm Os will support touch when 10.1 is release for those platforms.

    7. Memory Management
    10.1 has better memory management than any of it’s predecessors, specially when dealing with a lot of bitmap data.

    8. Video Playback ( software engine )
    Improvements here where most notable on the Mac platform which has seen a double digit reduction in the amount of CPU used for decoding H.264 content. In full-screen mode Flash Player 10.1 is now using OpenGL to blit the video pixels on the screen adding a significant amount of video performance while watching fullscreen HD content. Is it as good as a full Hardware accelerated solution, no but it is a marked improvement over the software decoder in 10.

    This isn’t a light weight release and is an absolute must for Mac users since this is the first Flash Player release ever with so much focus added to the Mac Platform ( mind you about 90% of the installs for Flash Player are on Windows ).

    I have been working with the internal and public betas for more than a year now ( specifically on the mac platform ) and I can attest to all of the aforementioned improvements. No Bull$#!t, just real talk.

  3. …come posso riavere il mio mac come prima di aver installato questo Flash 10.1??? Non mi funziona piรน flashgames….ho provato a disinstallare ma nulla…aiuto please!!!

  4. il post รจ vecchio ma volevo segnalare il problema dello scrolling con 10.1 e safari 5..quando il puntatore va sopra un video o una porzione in flash lo scrolling si blocca..se qcuno ha soluzioni diverse dal cambiare browser o versione di flah e mi fa sapere lo ringrazio

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